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viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

What is the importance of the values and moral courage?

Humans have values ​​that positively praise people, but there are other values ​​much greater than these, are called: moral values​​.

Using these values ​​we decide whether or not the right thing to do in a certain situation, and whether or not to take moral conduct.

Life without any type of security would not be possible because they are our values ​​and ideals that lead us to choose the most appropriate and most good for others and for ourselves, in every situation of our life.

If neither I nor anyone else in this world have moral values​​, we would act primarily by instincts, and we would not know if what we do affects us positively or negatively to others or ourselves.

If at this time in my class all securities disappear, there would be no argument about anything, no respect for the teacher / to and not to others, that is, we would have a way of thinking and acting a bit primitive.

My purpose is to explain to all who read this writing, that the role of values ​​in the lives of people is encaminarnos, or at least try encaminarnos toward moral conduct, ie everyday reasoning issues, the "stalking"  before us voluntarily, involuntarily, as problems, trying to do the right thing in every situation, and without adversely affecting us or ourselves or others, but to make us a little happier at the end of each day.

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